Home screen status – Fall 2017
Published by Ken Wilson,

This is the status of the home screen, just days before the release of iOS 11.
Most apps are unchanged. I've landed on a solid toolkit to get things done and maximize productivity. I still like leaving that bottom row empty. Unsure why, but it seems to have a positive effect on me so I'll keep it up.
Newer additions to my screen and an explaination as to why they are there:
Verses – scripture memory app. It has a few bugs, but despite them it's a useful app for memorizing scripture.
iMovie – The iPhone is my primary camera and, while I do prefer editing family movies with FCPX, I don't have a ton of spare time. iMovie on the iPhone allows me to chip away at vacation videos in my spare minutes.
GroupMe – defacto group messaging for home group and a few church groups.
Snapguide – I keep the bottom right spot of my home screen open for an app I'm currently trying out. Snapguide is a great tutorial site for quick "picture and text and video clips" lessons. I'm evaluating its usefulness for training applications.